Personal Brand Vision

Plan your magnetizing personal brand photoshoot.

This mini-course will give you a step-by-step process for planning your authentic personal brand images, help you feel confident on camera, and make your business irresistible to your ideal clients.

Get Started

Before I get into everything in this course, let's talk about who this course is for.

Whether you're....

  • You're a woman in business, a coach, a consultant, therapist, or a realtor ready to start growing a presence online for more impact, more income, and more conversions.
  • You worry that you're not photogenic and feel a bit awkward getting in front of a camera.
  • You want to build a business that doesn't feel like a carbon copy of what everyone else is doing out there.
  • You want to show up authentically in the world, and worry that you'll feel phony posting pictures of yourself.
  • You don't want to spend money or time on a photoshoot when your not sure if the outcome is worth the cost.

The good news?  You're in the right place.

I'm going to show you how this course will give you the strategies and tools for getting marketing images that you absolutely love to use.

Hi there, I'm Jess!

I'm a brand strategist and personal branding photographer that loves to help women overcome insecurities based on self image, and build self confidence.

I work to show women how beautiful they are, to love themselves as they are, to wow people with their first impressions through pictures, and to create meaningful images that ultimately help women succeed in the work that lights them up!

By the end of this Course,

you will…


  • Have clarity around your personal brand

    When you know where you need images and who you're communicating with, you're more likely to get those dream clients.
  • Have a tailored shot list fleshed out

    You walk away with a strategic plan in place for the shots you need in your business.
  • Feel confident posting pictures of yourself

    Showing up as the face of your business can be hard.  This course will help you to know exactly what to do to from flattering light to flattering poses.
  • Know how to find the best locations

    So that you look like a million bucks and have a location to match.
  • Have a plan for choosing your wardrobe

    So that choosing each outfit for your images is on brand and communicating what you want to your ideal clients.
  • Know exactly what props to bring along

    You'll learn how your props can help you create more content, and communicate to your ideal clients. 
  • Know just what to look for in your personal branding photographer

    You'll walk away from this course with everything you need to find the perfect person for your photoshoot.

Enroll in Personal Brand Vision Today

I’ve done a shoot before but didn’t have a clear plan going in which I feel really affected the final photos. My biggest challenge being the face of my business has been confidence. I felt unable to fully step into the role I needed to.  After going through the course, I have a solid plan of who I want to reach and the most important areas of my online marketing to focus on for my next photo shoot.

I’ve made a list of prop and wardrobe ideas along with the perfect vibe words of how I want women to see me when finding me through my website and social media. This planning has made me much more confident to take on my next branding photoshoot. 

If you’re struggling with getting in front of the camera and being the true face of your company, this course will give you the preparation and confidence you need. I’m actually excited about my next branding photo shoot!”

- Candace Playforth, Health and Essential Oil Coach, Union KY



I didn’t know I needed this course until I read its description and thought “That’s me!” I’m a great nutritionist but my preference is to be behind-the-scenes and not “the” public face of my business because it feels intimidating, so even though I needed new images for marketing I put it in the too-hard basket. But after finishing the course, I felt really confident (and a little excited to be honest) thinking about creating the shoot, just the tips on posing to make you look more approachable and better on camera made me think it will actually be fun to do.

The clear steps to plan what types of photos I want and need and how to ask for them made me confident that I’ll get more value out of my next shoot. I got nice pictures at my last shoot, but they either weren’t the right orientation or unsuitable for my marketing needs, but now I can offer my photographer more direction.  

This course is for you if you are unsure about how to plan your photos for marketing your business, overly self-conscious about getting in front of the camera or just want tips to look good in the photos!

- Veronica Vogel, Dietitian, Erina, Australia

“My client load has increased a full 30% since completing the photoshoot with Art of Her! I feel so confident about how my images will continue to be received by my professional community.

Because we are conditioned to focus on the ways in which we’re not enough, it can be so difficult to bite the bullet and schedule a photoshoot.

That said, I truly believe a photographer as brilliant as Jess can make you shine exactly as you are. Right now. Wherever you are in your evolution.

I feel strongly about the power of image to communicate, inspire, and motivate — not just in the case of our potential clients & customers, but also for ourselves.”


- Sarah Kit Farrell, Mindfulness Based Therapist and Online Coach




When you enroll during this special, limited time,

you’ll get:


Personal Brand Vision
(A $399 Value)


  • 15 Quick Lessons

    I see you running that business!  I created these lessons to get right to the point so you can keep doing what you're best at.

  • A 45 Page Workbook 

    This workbook is your companion to help you take what you learn in the videos and design the perfect shoot for yourself.
  • Lifetime Access

    You'll have immediate lifetime access through any changes or updates to the course.
  • Downloadable Video, Audio, and PDF Transcripts

    So that you can learn in the way that's best for you.
  • 1.5 Hours of Teaching

    I've got a no fluff teaching style that gets straight to the point and details exactly what you need to know.
  • Access to Education from 18 years of photography experience.

    I've been photographing women for 18 years and I've learned a thing or two about what photographs best and how to make you look like a natural.

Plus This Bonus to Help You Take Your Vision a Step Further



The Mood Board Maker Bonus

Get even more clarity on the look you're wanting to capture and communicate your vision with ease.

(A $59 Value)

What You’ll Get:

This training will walk you through taking your plan from the Personal Brand Vision course and showing others through images what you want.

  • A downloadable PDF training
  • A pre-made customizable Canva Template and tutorial

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:

Personal Brand Vision - ($399 Value) 

  • The Mood Board Maker Bonus - $59 Value

When you add it all up, that’s a value of $458

A One-Time Special Payment of


Buy Now

14- Day Risk Free

Money Back Guarantee

Look, deep down in my heart, I believe the world will become a better place when women run successful businesses.

I created this course to help you grow and thrive.  If you get through this course and feel like it wasn’t helpful and didn’t meet your expectations, I will happily give you a full refund. 

I believe in the power of building a better future for women and don’t want the fear of this not being right for you to hold you back. So, try it out, and contact me if it’s just not right for you through an email and I will issue a full refund.

What’s Inside Personal Brand Vision?


Module 1

Personal Brand Clarity

Module Description: In this module you'll learn how to create a strategy with your personal brand images that will help you get more conversions where you need them. You'll learn how to overcome the biggest mindset that would hold you back from showing up as a personal brand, and you'll narrow in on your ideal client so that you can communicate with them using your images. 

I want to show you that just by showing up is wonderful, but that we can actually make this even more powerful in a way that’s compelling to your ICA.  In a way that fills the holes in your online positioning strategy and in a way that makes creating content from here on out really easy because you’ve already got all the images you need. 

Module Highlights:

  • Learn all about personal brand photography and what it can do to elevate your business.
  • You'll start overcoming some of the mindset issues that prevent most women from feeling confident on camera.
  • You'll get clear on your marketing foundation and the way you can use it in your personal brand images.
  • You'll define your ideal client because we're designing this photoshoot to reach them.
  • You'll determine where you need images to market your business so that you're planning for the conversions that will help you grow.
Module 2

Choosing Your Locations

Module Description: Ever wonder how so many incredible businesses find the most beautiful places to shoot?  Well, now you'll get the best tips for finding a location that will show you in the best light.

Module Highlights:

  • You'll learn what makes a location great for personal brand images.
  • You'll learn how to search for the best locations for your photoshoot.
  • You'll find out how to get flattering lighting so that you look amazing, and the best times to shoot outside.
Module 3

Planning Your Wardrobe

Module Description: Show up authentically without feeling drab or underdressed in your photos.  I'll show you what will help you communicate your brand's feel with clothing that keeps the attention on what matters most.  You.

Module Highlights:

  • Find the aesthetic you want associated with the clothing you choose to wear in your images.
  • Get the general guidelines I give all my clients for what photographs best on camera.
  • See examples of what has worked in other personal brand shoots.
Module 4

Curate Your Props

Module Description: If you're wanting to create a full library of images to pull from for your business, this module will really help you to come up with lots of content.

Module Highlights:

  • Learn how props can help you communicate and create content.
  • See examples of how my clients have used props in their photos.
  • Learn about the Prop Box Method that will make your life easier.


Module 5

Finding Your Photographer

Module Description: You're entrusting your online image to a photographer, so you want to make sure they can do the work.  I'll show you what to look out for as you choose the right person.

Module Highlights:

  • Find out what makes personal brand photographers unique.
  • Learn how to search for a photographer near you.
  • Find out the questions you should be asking your photographer.
  • Get a pre-made email template to send your photographer so that you're on the same page.
Module 6

Camera Confidence

Module Description: Stepping in front of the camera can be a lot easier when you know what to do.  This module covers some of the ways that I help my clients feel comfortable on camera.

Module Highlights:

  • Learn some of my favorite tips for looking and feeling your best on camera.
  • Get a few tips to help you plan your hair and makeup
  • Get a preparation checklist and a timeline so that you've got everything you need planned in advance.

Frequently Asked Questions

What people asked before signing up for Personal Brand Vision

After learning how to pose myself (and not relying on the photographer) I felt the confidence that I needed to create photos. The confidence module is my favorite and is a major pain point for MANY.

I learned so much in this course and know this will help the masses.

If you're on the fence, realize the value inside to completely change your perspective and properly prepare you fo the magic of personal branding portraits

- Alora Rochelle, Wedding Photographer, Detroit



I have done a photoshoot before but it was very limited. I didn't even think to bring a change of clothes! I've also really needed to say, Im worthy of it now. Many of us wait until we feel we have lost the weight, gotten the perfect hair or perfect outfits. We really need to shift into "Now. I am worthy of pictures right now as is!”

The course really helped me think strategically about photos. It really shifted my mindset away from the angst of a photoshoot and helped me focus more on all the creative ways to express myself and my business.

Photographs are crucial to being seen and trusted in business. This course has some really great nuggets of information that could help you really project the real you while you attract the right client.

- Michelle Poverman, Psychotherapist and Energy Medicine Practitioner, Franklin

I have competed in pageants, have been in SO many of my friends' weddings, and have been around photographers for a long time. These tips are invaluable - especially to anyone just beginning. It will save them SO MUCH money and heartache. Especially the make up one. So important to find someone who knows what they are doing!

You will spend way more money and possibly years trying to figure this out on your own. This is definitely the case of putting "Decades into days" - you can't afford NOT to take this course.


- Sara Rudin, IT Risk Analyst, Round Rock, Texas

Enroll in Personal Brand Vision Today

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I'm ready!

Still on the fence?


Personal Brand Vision is PERFECT for you if… 

  1. You know you need to be marketing online, but you want to know how to do it first
  2. You've built the business, you've got the brand, but your images don't reflect the hard work you've put in.
  3. You're an action taker and love knowing that work you put in will pay off for you.
  4. You've done a shoot before and realized that you couldn't really use the images the way you needed to marketing your business.
  5. You're ready to get over the fear of showing your face on camera.
  6. You want to look like a boss and an authority in your field so that you can charge what you're worth, with the people you want to impact.

I can’t wait for you to join Personal Brand Vision

I've been fortunate enough to be sitting across the table as women see professional images of themselves for the first time. Through tears, they often can't believe what they see. They are able to see themselves the way others see them.  They are able to see themselves as beautiful, successful and authentic. I am so passionate about this work I get to do, and I want to share that same experience with you.

I created this course to help women, like you,  that feel held back in their business, and I want to give you the tools to feel confident showing up professionally and authentically.

If you're dreaming of taking your business to the next level and showing up with confidence, this course will help you take that next big step. 

All my best,

Jess Kornacki

"I can truly say that the photoshoot was one of the best investments in myself and my business that I have ever made

(and I’ve been at this for almost 20 years)!

I’m so much more confident in marketing myself now and the business has followed since I made that shift."

- Noelle, Marketer, Denver

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I'm ready!